Jesus’ Ultimate Goal: Discovering the Purpose that Shaped Jesus’ Mind
Over the past several episodes, Scott and Shawn have been progressing through a thought journey on what it means to think like Jesus. The goal has been to move beyond merely searching the Bible to see what Jesus thought about particular subjects. Rather, by taking the mission and humanity of Jesus seriously, they’ve been identifying the foundational principles that determined HOW Jesus thought about anything and everything.
In this journey, Scott and Shawn discovered from Scripture that every thought Jesus had was motivated by his eternal and undying love for God the Father. In looking at Jesus’ full humanity, they discovered how Jesus was able to think as God’s Son through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. And, they determined how Jesus’ understanding about God, the world, his life, and messianic mission was shaped and informed by the revelation of God’s true words in Scripture.
But a critical question to finishing this journey toward thinking like Jesus is answering ‘why’. Why did Jesus think the way that he thought? To what end? What was the ultimate goal toward which every thought Jesus had was directed?
Tune into this first discussion toward answering this critical question and see how it provides us with the life-transforming goal for shaping our own minds so that we can truly begin to think Jesus’ thoughts after him.