Members of a church sing and lift their hands in worship

Is God Needy for Wanting Glory?

  • By: Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
  • Mar 11, 2025
    • Listen on:

Learning to think like Jesus means training our minds to have the same ultimate goal that informed every thought Jesus had, and therefore every decision he ever made. Over the past two episodes Scott and Shawn uncovered from Scripture that this singular goal for Jesus was the glory of God. As Jesus concluded his earthy ministry and began his journey to the cross, he proclaimed the meaning of his coming into the world as he said to the Father, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you.” (John 17:1)

Glorifying the Father was the purpose of the Son, because the Son is the “radiance of God’s glory”. It is by nature the purpose of the Son. And this aligns perfectly with the will of God since it is God’s will in all things that he receives glory.

But God’s quest for glory often raises questions. Most notably, “why?”. Why does God need glory? Why did he create everything for his glory? When we think about people who do everything for their own glory, it leaves a bad taste in our mouths. We think of them as selfish or insecure. Does God’s desire for glory reveal that he is somehow needy?

Tune in to Shawn and Scott’s conversation around this question as they learn from Scripture how to think like Jesus about the glory of God.



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