How We Are Living Under the Wrath of God
No one likes to talk about the wrath of God. The idea conjures up all kinds of horrible images, mostly taken from mythology or movies.
Skeptics take the idea of God’s wrath and use it to paint horrible caricatures of God, as if God is nothing more than a cosmic bully. And this makes Christians feel uncomfortable, making us feel like we need to rescue God from such unfair characterizations.
To do so, some Christians are even tempted to dismiss the idea of God’s wrath altogether. They suggest it was an idea imposed on God by the ancient Israelites who were just trying to express their understanding of God at the time. They say that through Jesus we know much better. God is love after all, so there’s no room for talk about his wrath anymore.
But removing the idea of God’s wrath just to make people comfortable is a fatal step. That’s because not only does it misrepresent God as he’s revealed himself to us in Scripture, it also empties the gospel of it’s true power and robs God of his glory.
In this short video, Scott tries to help us deal with our discomfort, first by explaining the true nature of God’s wrath (i.e. what it really means). And second, by revealing the true cause of the wrath of God, as explained by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1.
Then, allowing God to reveal the truth about his wrath from the Bible, even if it makes you uncomfortable, will ultimately set you up to truly understand, appreciate, and celebrate the good news of his love displayed in Jesus his Son.
Still wondering more about God’s purpose for the world, and for you?
Seeing the World as Jesus Sees It is a four-part video series that walks you through the Grand Story of the Bible, challenges your worldview, and gives you answers to ultimate questions about God.